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Extra steps

Section 8.3 – Table of General Faults and Penalties - Extra steps, slight hop

Covered Chapters

  • 1/ Extra steps

Floor requirements

13.3 Composition Requirements (CR) – D- Panel 2.00

1. A dance passage composed of two different, leaps or hops, (from the Code) connected directly or indirectly (with running steps, small leaps, hops,chassé, chainé turns), one of them with 180°cross/side split or straddle position award 0.50 (The objective is to create a large flowing and traveling movement pattern)
· No jumps or turns are permitted because they are stationary. Chainé turns (½ turns on two feet) are allowed because they are traveling steps.
· Leaps and hops must land on one leg if performed as the 1st element in the dance passage.

2. Salto with LA turn (min. 360°) award 0.50

3. Salto with double BA award 0.50

4. Salto bwd and salto fwd (no aerials) in the same or different acro line award 0.50

Note: CR 2, 3 and 4 must be performed within Acro line.

Covered Chapters

  • 1/ Value of elements
  • 2/ Number of elements
  • 3/ Requirement

The landing area

Exceeding the prescribed floor area (12 X 12 m), that is touching the floor with any part of the body outside of the border markings, will result in a deduction.

– One step or landing outside of the boundary with a foot or hand – 0.10
– Step(s) outside with both feet, both hands or a body part or landing with both feet outside – 0.30

Both time and line violations are reported in writing by the respective Time and Line Judge to the D- Panel, who then takes the deduction from the Final Score.

Covered Chapters

  • 1/ 1 or 2feet outside

Insufficient height: leaps and jumps

Section 8.3 – Table of General Faults and Penalties:

– Insufficient height of elements

Covered Chapters

  • 1/ Differents jumps/leaps

Floor- Deduction on Piruet

9.2.1 Rewarding DV for turns on 1 leg are in increments of:
– 180° for BB
– 360° for FX
– The turn must be completed exactly or another element from the COP will be credited.
– The position of the shoulders and hips are decisive otherwise another element from the COP will be credited.
(Section 9 page - 2)

Covered Chapters

Floor- Split-jump with turn no completed

(Section 9 page - 4)

Covered Chapters

Floor- Switch to ring (1.305) / Split to ring (1.309)

Split Leap to Ring / Split Leap with leg change to Ring
(Section 9 page - 4)

Covered Chapters

Floor- Incorrect timing of the turn

Split Leap to Ring / Split Leap with leg change to Ring / Split Jump to Ring (with/without turn):
The turn should be performed after ring position is shown.
(Section 9 page - 4)

Covered Chapters

Floor - Excessive arm swing before dance elements

13.5 Artistry & Composition Deductions – E-Panel
- Excessive arm swing before dance elements 0.10 each time
- Shoulder moves in opposite direction ot the turn = OK
- If shoulder moves in same direction as the turn, then turn to opposite direction of the turn = excessive arm swing

Covered Chapters

Floor - Split jump with turn no completed

(Section 9 page 4)

Covered Chapters

Floor - Switch leap with 1/2 turn not completed

Differente deduction on Switch leap with 1/2 turn not completed (Section 9 page 4)

Covered Chapters

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